What a day it was…
“It was everything I'd hoped for, and more.”
— Roina
“I was so excited when I saw her.”
— Patrick
Roina and Patrick’s Wedding
Roina with her beautiful son, Oska who walked his mum down the aisle.
She wrote this poem to read at the wedding:
“From the first time I held you I knew you were a special one
The little prince, my darling Oska, my only son.
You have been there for me when there was no-one else, and when the chips were down.
And I sincerely hope I have helped you to find your way.
But when you ‘came out’ at 15 and told me you were gay
I said all of the silly things, overlooking the strength and courage of what you had to say.
But I am the proudest parent of the human you have become.
And I know in that sentiment, Patrick and I speak as one,
I’m here to say we are blessed to have a rainbow son, with all the gifts that brings today.
Thank you Oska, for being you, for being great, and for ‘giving mum away”.
Photos of the day.
Paul McGovern was the lead photographer on the day, however this site showcases photos taken by Ben Williams (Patrick’s dad), Jamie Rankin (Patrick’s brother-in-law) and others.
Wedding vows adapted from Thich Nhat Hanh’s, “The Four Mantras of True Presence”